Roundtable infrastructure documentation
Developer and operational documentation for the Roundtable platform, and services that run on Roundtable.
Kafkit helps you write Kafka producers and consumers in Python with asyncio.
- Source repository
- lsst-sqre/kafkit
LTD Keeper
LTD Keeper is the backend database and application that runs LSST the Docs. You can interact with the Keeper through its RESTful HTTP API.
- Source repository
- lsst-sqre/ltd-keeper
neophile is a dependency scanner. It looks through a repository for declared dependencies, attempts to determine if those dependencies are out of date, and generates a report.
- Source repository
- lsst-sqre/neophile
Roundtable is a Kubernetes cluster for microservices, managed by the SQuaRE team.
- Source repository
- lsst-sqre/roundtable
Rubin Observatory services directory
A directory of services operated by the SQuaRE team.
- Source repository
- lsst-sqre/services
Safir is a Python package that lets you develop Roundtable bots, based on the aiohttp.web asyncio web framework.
- Source repository
- lsst-sqre/safir
Templatekit is a command-line app and Python library for using and maintaining a centralized repository of project and file templates that are built with Cookiecutter and Jinja.
- Source repository
- lsst-sqre/templatekit